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Complete Accadamic Resources
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Developed by : Arjun Paudyal
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Arjun Paudyal

This web site is a personal web site of Arjun Paudyal, aimed to provide useful and accadamic resources for all levels of education. All these resources and documents are compiled by me for my study of BBA program. Some of the resources are written by myself too.

Arjun Paudyal

If you hold the copyright of any of these documenmts included here, or if you feel some of them should be removed from here, please let me know at my email address : arjunall@hotmail.com

Enjoy the site, read the contents and enrich your knowledge. Expand the horizon of your knowlewdge. Your knowledge is your capital - KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL.

Arjun Paudyal
Mobile : 9841-XXXXXX
Land Line :01 - 2041XXX

Developed By : Arjun Paudyal